#Talent Pool

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3 months ago

Five Great DevOps Job Opportunities - DevOps.com

DevOps.com provides a weekly DevOps jobs report to help professionals advance their careers.
The pool of available DevOps talent is limited, creating opportunities when professionals take on new roles. [ more ]
3 months ago

Five Great DevOps Job Opportunities - DevOps.com

DevOps.com is providing a weekly DevOps jobs report.
The pool of available DevOps talent is limited, creating opportunities for professionals. [ more ]
3 months ago

Five Great DevOps Job Opportunities - DevOps.com

DevOps.com is now providing a weekly DevOps jobs report to highlight job opportunities for DevOps professionals.
The pool of available DevOps talent is still relatively constrained, creating opportunities for other professionals when one takes on a new role. [ more ]
The Times of India
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft, Google executives' visit: How India can emerge as key AI talent pool | - Times of India

Microsoft and Google executives are visiting India to tap into the country's pool of programmers and promote the adoption of AI.
India has over 5 million programmers and is seen as a key player in shaping the future of AI. [ more ]
4 months ago

Five Great DevOps Job Opportunities - DevOps.com

DevOps.com is providing a weekly DevOps jobs report to highlight opportunities for professionals.
The pool of available DevOps talent is still relatively constrained, creating opportunities for others when one professional takes on a new role. [ more ]
4 months ago

Five Great DevOps Job Opportunities - DevOps.com

DevOps.com is now providing a weekly DevOps jobs report.
The pool of available DevOps talent is still relatively constrained. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

'Game-changer': EU reveals plans to help non-EU nationals to find jobs

The EU is introducing a new Talent Pool platform to match employers in the EU with jobseekers from around the world.
The Talent Pool is part of a new Skills and Talent Mobility package that includes Talent Partnerships and improved recognition of skills.
The EU aims to increase learning mobility by setting goals for the percentage of students who study in another EU country by 2030. [ more ]
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